This installment of Out & About follows Rockbot's Shawn Cash on his whirlwind weekend, where taking his daughter to tour three Southern California colleges was just an excuse for the rest of it. The weekend started with a quick coffee with yours truly at the Warner Center Marriott. Then, bing, bang, boom, he, and the family knocked out three college campuses. (I should mention that Shawn's daughter, the one visiting the schools is interested in film and is super talented. If any of you are looking for someone to direct your next video, she's your girl.) Okay back to the weekend. Once the college tours were complete, they were off to the happiest place on earth. For those who don't know, The Force is strong with Shawn, so if he's within 50 miles of 1313 South Disneyland Drive, in Anaheim, he must check-in, it's the law. The real reason for the trip was to catch Wallows on their MODEL Tour 2024 stop at The Cosmopolitan Hotel in Las Vegas. The band has been wowing the crowds with songs on this tour, including their latest single "Calling After Me". Big thanks to Atlantic's Tim Dalbec and co., for providing the icing on the cake, scoring Shawn some serious dad points, by including them in the KLUC fan event before the show.
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