Creating More Impressions Through Partnerships
What’s In-Store Music’s impact can be felt beyond simply getting your priority song(s) played in stores, our input is felt across several formats and platforms throughout the music industry.

All Access - Your #1 Information Destination
All Access (affiliated with Mediabase & Proplay) is the number one website for radio in America. The leading source for breaking industry news and information along with upcoming and current musical releases across multiple formats. What’s In-Store Music is proud to contribute to the site by publishing our weekly in store charts there. Updated every Monday, What’s In-Store Music publishes three charts on the site:
The What’s In- Store Music Chart, features some of today’s best music across top 40, country, alternative, R&B, adult contemporary, playing overhead in stores each week.
The Dance Environment Chart Highlights music and features artists prominent in the dance, trance, and edm world. With a wide variety of styles and tempos all brought together in one place.
The What’s In-Store Music Holiday Chart From original holiday songs to many of your favorite, iconic, classics, this chart highlights the top songs playing overhead during the busiest shopping season of the year when millions of people are in stores.

The Nexus of All Things DJ
Just as the title suggests, DJ Life is the number one publication for all things related to DJs. Issue after issue is filled with the latest in tech, music, events, tips, and more. As one of the leading companies dance labels use to promote their songs through in store play, What's In-Store Music is thrilled to be associated with this incredible publication by reporting our song picks to them and contributing to their chart.

A Revolution in Airplay Research… Again
MMI is the premiere radio research tool created by the inventor of Mediabase, Rich Meyer. Covering both the top 40 and country formats in two separate publications, Monday Morning Intel has quickly become the most referenced research tool among programmers and music industry executives alike, with more opens and re-opens than any other publication. What’s In-Store Music is thrilled to be a contributor, providing our picks for the best music from both formats playing overhead in retail outlets today.

Rise Above the Noise
What’s In-Store Music is a proud to partner with Intercept Music, one of the industry’s fastest growing, distribution, marketing and monetizing platforms. Intercept Music is the perfect home for independent artists, with worldwide distribution through 80 + service providers to more than 230 countries, customized marketing on all major social media platforms, and other available services. Intercept Music is the platform we use for all our social media marketing to help create our campaigns, as well as help grow our audience reach.