January 15, 2025

At Hotel Ziggy on January 7th, 2025 in West Hollywood, CA

Tuesday, January 7th, was a night to remember in West Hollywood, as WFNM (We Found New Music, w/Grant Owen) presented another terrific showcase at Hotel Ziggy. Standout performers included Ariana Molkara, a very groovy MAEJOY, and the main event, our client, kylekelly! Kyle's mix of confidence and vulnerability was perfect, and the audience ate it up. Songs like "My Little Heart" (currently playing overhead in stores) and the newly released "Priscilla", received great responses from the audience. It was fun to watch this kid take command of the room that way at such an early stage in his career. Thank you to producer/manager, Jeffery David, for turning us on to the fantastic new artist.

Check out all things kylekelly HERE!
