March 6, 2024

February 25th, 2024
at The Moroccan Lounge in Los Angeles, CA

If you were in the mood for pure pop ear candy, then February 25th was the time, and the Moroccan Lounge in downtown LA was the place to be. This was the site of the release party for British synth-pop artist Alexander James Rodriguez's debut album, Call Me Alexander. Canadian pop sensation Desi G provided direct support and got the crowd warmed up and ready for the main event. Alexander hit the stage following a booming countdown, 10, 9, 8,… and launched right into his album which kicks off with a crowd-pleasing cover of Haddaway's "What Is Love". From that moment on Alexander had the crowd eating out of the palm of his hand. He played the entire album from start to finish, including the two singles you can currently hear playing overhead in retailers everywhere, Ride or Die and Euphoria. The crowd loved it, and everyone stayed around after to say hello and grab a picture. Call Me Alexander is now available on your favorite streaming platform, or you can purchase the CD or vinyl directly from his website here. Thank you to Liz Rodriguez for introducing us to this exciting young talent.

Check out the new album HERE!
