I was excited as I headed to the Hotel Café in Hollywood. I was finally getting to see one of my favorite indie clients Emilia Vaughn for the first time as part of the "Not Another Showcase", Showcase. When I arrived, it didn't take long to realize from the body language of the growing crowd outside the venue and the doorman, that something wasn't right. Sure enough, the power was out. They tried desperately to restore it for the evening's performances but to no avail. Finally, the announcement came that the evening would be canceled. Emilia may not have been able to perform that night on the mainstage with her five-piece band but that didn't mean the people who showed up and paid their money were going to be denied entertainment. Following a few minutes of behind-the-scenes negotiating the club agreed to open one bar, provided a high-top stool and some candles, and just like that, it was show time! Although it wasn't what her fans were anticipating, it turned out to be an unexpected treat. The intimacy of the situation transformed it into a wonderful evening of music enjoyed by all. The highlight for me was to hear her perform her single "Skeleton" currently at 20 on The What's In-Store Music Chart, playing more than 24,000 times a week. I need to give a big thank you and shout-out to Dani Thompson of DNT Entertainment for springing into action behind the scenes to make the performance possible and for turning us on to Emilia, to begin with.
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